How do you picture God?

Your picture of things matters. This weekend, we look at a story referred to as, "The parable of the talents." In it we see three servants receiving talents to manage for their master. One "talent" was worth about 20 years of a day laborer's salary. Some of the servants did better managing than others. I'm convinced that the ending of the story is all about the beginning. Each servant receives a superabundant gift from a superabundant master.  However, what they do with that gift is all about how they view the giver. At least one of the servants could not see the giver's generosity. What happens when you picture God as the giver of superabundant gifts to you and to the world? This weekend, I'll preach about how the way we picture God matters. It shapes our relationship with ourselves, others, and the whole world around us.  


The Reign of Christ


All Saints commemoration