Consider being a lay minister for one or more of these Worship ministries:

Lectors read the assigned lessons for the day and the prayers of the people during worship. Texts are mailed ahead of time. Sign up here.

Acolytes are upper elementary and middle school young people who light candles, receive communion glasses, and assist with the offerings. Sign up here.

Greeters welcome folks into the church, direct members and visitors to locations such as the office and restrooms, and invite visitors to sign a guest book and take home a copy of our newsletter. Sign up here.

Chancel Guild prepares the materials and elements used for communion and takes care of the altar furnishings, candles, paraments, and books. Sign up here.

Communion Assistants assist the pastors with distribution of the wine and bread at worship services. Sign up here.

Communion Bread Bakers provide the bread used for Holy Communion. Sign up here.


Contact the church office at or 608-238-7119 if you would like to get involved and share fellowship through the various ministries involved in weekly worship services listed below.

Ushers provide assistance and direction to worshipers, distribute bulletins, pass collection plates, and assist with communion trays. Everyone, including families and youth, are invited to consider this ministry.

Pew Straighteners prepare the sanctuary for services each week by making sure hymnals are in place, picking up used paper, refilling communion card holders and pencils, etc.

Nursery Assistants provide assistance to our paid nursery worker during services when additional hands are needed.

Homebound Communion Ministers take communion to our homebound members once a month following training; volunteers also prepare the communion kits.

Altar Flowers are given by church members as a way to honor or remember a family member, a special anniversary or occasion or a loved one. A flower chart is posted in the narthex or you can contact the church office if you would like to provide flowers for the church on a special date.

Serving in Worship

Worship is a foundation of faith for everything we do. For Lutherans, worship is an ever-changing and -growing experience. Connected with and central to everything we do, worship unites us in celebration, engages us in thoughtful dialogue and helps us grow in faith. It grounds us in our Christian and Lutheran roots, while demonstrating practical relevance for today’s world.