Ministry Wing Renovation

Exciting Plans for Renewal of our Ministry Wing - Sharing God’s love with children and families, connecting with the community, facilitating our ministry and caring for creation

Midvale Community Lutheran Church continues to grow, both in membership and in our work throughout the community. It’s a wonderful time to be a part of Midvale! To support this growth and most importantly our mission to praise, live, and share God’s love, we want our church home to be a welcoming, comfortable, inviting space for all to experience.  

Build to Serve: Grow in Love

Through the Build to Serve: Grow in Love Campaign, we will renovate our Ministry Wing to provide welcoming, flexible and effective spaces for our ministries, our staff and the community. Your participation in this campaign will strengthen our church for years to come!

What is the project?
The campaign booklet shares important details about the project on how we plan to raise between $2.7 million and $3 million to significantly improve our Ministry Wing and reflect our welcoming spirit.

How do I make a commitment?
As you consider God’s love for you and the impact of our church’s ministry, we invite you to prayerfully consider a generous three-year commitment. This commitment is in addition to your regular pledge and giving to our daily ministries. Church members all have received a Statement of Intent Form that allows you to make your Build to Serve: Grow in Love commitment. You can also make your three-year commitment using this online form.

How do I make a donation?

  • You can give by check in the mail or in the offering plate with "Ministry Wing" on the memo line.

  • You can fill out and return the automated giving form to make recurring gifts from your bank account.

  • You can give from your IRA, appreciated stock or other assets. This information sheet shares more about these options. Please contact our business manager, Amanda Mueller, in the church office at to help you give in one of these ways.

  • You can give online, once, or set up a recurring gift, from your credit card or bank account through our secure website here by selecting the Ministry Wing fund from the drop down menu.

    When are commitments requested?
    Please know that your gift is very important to the success of this important effort.  We will begin gathering Statements of Intent on the weekend of May 11-12.

Are there other ways to give?
This helpful information sheet details other ways to give that may offer the advantageous opportunities to support this project, including gifts from IRA's, stocks and other assets.

What if I have other questions?

This information sheet gives answers to many frequently asked questions. If you have additional questions, please contact the church office at or 608-238-7119.